Tuesday, December 15, 2009
WakeUpWalmart.com Launches “Hope for the Holidays” Campaign to Highlight Walmart’s Track Record of Poor Product Safety
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
UFCW Coalition Launches New Wal-Mart Campaign,
“Nobody wants an economy where workers earn wages that can’t support a family. Nobody wants an economy where people who go to work everyday and work hard have to turn to public assistance for basic needs."
-UFCW International President Joe Hansen, announced a new national comprehensive American values-driven agenda to hold Walmart accountable to its workers, our communities and the planet.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Week in Wal-Mart News
Wal-Mart continues to test their Latino thread of stores, hoping it will spark more U.S. expansion.
It's official a Wal-Mart will be built on a Civil War battle field. But Preservationists say that the Wal-Mart Civil War battle is not over yet.
Wall Street Journal looks at Wal-Mart's international growth and sales compared to the U.S. Wal-Mart operates 3,615 stores internationally and 4,258 in the United States.
Wal-Mart also spent $2.6 million lobbying in the 2nd quarter.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wal-Mart uses recession in attempt to come to NYC
Here is Wal-Mart once again using the recession as a frugal attempt to enter New York City.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Weekly Wal-Mart Round Up: July 20
Image by Lone Primate via Flickr
In a long five year battle, UFCW Local 1400 (Canada) is appealing a decision by Court of Queen's Bench Justice Peter Foley, who ruled last month that the certification of a Wal-Mart, in the town of Weyburn, was wrong.
Workers in foreign factories that supply Wal-Mart can't blame the company for their alleged sweatshop conditions, despite the retail giant's code of conduct that's supposed to hold its contractors to decent labor standards, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.
Wal-Mart Stores here will discuss the development of a new index that measures the "social and environmental impact" of its products at a press conference today, reports said yesterday.
OSHA cites Wal-Mart $7,000 for Black Friday Death.
A federal judge has given final approval to a $17.5 million settlement of a discrimination lawsuit that accused Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of not hiring black truck drivers.
The UFCW is appealing the decision in Canada which overturned the unionization of a Wal-Mart.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wal-Mart, messes up sales tax in second state, makes another false claim in new Ad...
Wal-Mart has also named a new diversity officer.
Wal-Mart is also having yet another 'sales tax mishap', overcharging customers, this time in Missouri. If you remember this was previously an issue in Connecticut.
Lee Scott, the former chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores, called on attendees at the CIES World Food Business Summit here on Friday to join the Global Social Compliance Program to help ensure that suppliers are adhering to local wage and environmental regulations.
Why Wal-Mart needs the Employee Free Choice Act.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Wal-Mart Watch Launches an NYC Watch Program
New York is the largest city in the United States. It's home to 8.3 million people – 27,147 persons per square mile – and zero Wal-Mart stores.
Much to the chagrin of Wal-Mart and its former CEO Lee Scott, Wal-Mart has had no luck in New York City. Masters of rural and suburban growth, Wal-Mart has never been able to circumvent the city's strong labor presence, activist population, and restrictive zoning laws. In 2004, Wal-Mart tried to open its first store in Rego Park, Queens and the move was met with opposition from a coalition of politicians, union organizers and community members. [New York Magazine, 8/8/05] Similarly, residents denied Wal-Mart when it attempted to open a store in Staten Island in 2005. [New York Times, 8/22/05]
big ups to everyone at Wal-Mart Watch!Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wal-Mart close to unionizing in Miami, Florida
Image by anonymonk via Flickr
Miami may have the first Wal-Mart to unionize in the United States.
Walmart Workers for Change, a new campaign claiming to represent thousands of the Bentonville, Ark.-based mega-retailer’s 1.3 million associates across the United States, the campaign has employees in over 100 stores in 15 states who have signed union representation cards, alleging a lack of respect from the company, in addition to low wages and inadequate benefits as reasons to become unionized.
Check their new video here.
Chicago's Wal-Mart super-center is now back on the table.
Exon Mobil overtakes Wal-Mart Stores to top the Fortune 500.
UFCW steps up organizing efforts at Wal-Mart.
More Wal-Mart's around the country are showing signs of organizing.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Questionable donations by Wal-Mart, Employee Free Choice...
Image by AlaskaTeacher via Flickr
Wal-Mart's Sam's Club has a new CEO.
Questionable donations in Chicago have spurred rumors and raised eyebrows regarding a development and Wal-Mart.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Supermarket News: "Wal-Mart denies interest in reported Manhattan sites"
Image via Wikipedia
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union President Stuart Applebaum called the move opportunistic:He's right, the last thing this city needs is for Wal-Mart to continue to take advantage of the recission. Reports have surfaced in the past few weeks of their strategy to take advantage of the recession in order to "sneak" into cities, they've done so in Chicago and now California.
"We don't need Wal-Mart to take a advantage of an economic crisis to sneak into New York and drive down standards and wages," he said.
NYC Rumors
Gothamist: "Reverend Billy to send Wal-Mart back to lake of hellfire"
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Sign the letter to the new Wal-Mart CEO
Follow this link to sign the letter: http://action.walmartwatch.com/page/s/mikeduke
Monday, February 02, 2009
Bruce Springsteen: "It was a mistake." (Doing business with Wal-Mart)
Image via Wikipedia
“given its labor history, it was something that if we’d thought about it a little longer, we’d have done something different.” He added, “It was a mistake...."You can read the entire piece here.
Wal-Mart Daily News...Bruce Springsteen regrets business with Wal-Mart
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Bruce Springsteen calls his exclusive Wal-Mart deal a "mistake"...“given its labor history, it was something that if we’d thought about it a little longer, we’d have done something different.”
Netflix, the Web's No. 1 video rental service, and Wal-Mart are being accused in a class-action lawsuit of unfairly setting prices for their rental services.
More violence at Wal-Mart.
A woman was found dead at Wal-Mart in Albany.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The value of his Wal-Mart holdings went up $30.9 million to $202.6 million.

Wal-Mart continues world domination, acquiring over 58% of a Chilean supermarket.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Weekly Wal-Mart News, Tax loopholes close, Lee Scott for Universal Healthcare and a new private label line.

Lee Scott, the outgoing chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores, asked business leaders to embrace such initiatives as universal health care, renewable energy and immigration reform during a presentation to attendees at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show here yesterday.
He [Lee Scott], also sees a new consumer mindset.
Local retailers throughout China are teaming up to battle Wal-Mart.
The recession finally hits Wal-Mart.
The first Wal-Mart neighborhood market opened in Virginia...They also opened one in Florida today.
Wal-Mart also continues to violate Connecticut state tax laws, even after promising to comply.
The Animal Defence League of Canada is celebrating a "major victory" after Wal-Mart Canada agreed to pull a type of Chinese-made slippers that contained real rabbit fur from its shelves.
Another Wal-Mart Tax loophole may come to an end, this time in West Virginia.
The UFCW is gearing up for their Wal-Mart battle in Canada.
More info on Wal-Mart's new private label line "the Wal-Mart Great Value line"
And if that's not enough Wal-Mart news, they're also on the verge of setting up shop in Russia.