Lee Scott, the outgoing chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores, asked business leaders to embrace such initiatives as universal health care, renewable energy and immigration reform during a presentation to attendees at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show here yesterday.
He [Lee Scott], also sees a new consumer mindset.
Local retailers throughout China are teaming up to battle Wal-Mart.
The recession finally hits Wal-Mart.
The first Wal-Mart neighborhood market opened in Virginia...They also opened one in Florida today.
Wal-Mart also continues to violate Connecticut state tax laws, even after promising to comply.
The Animal Defence League of Canada is celebrating a "major victory" after Wal-Mart Canada agreed to pull a type of Chinese-made slippers that contained real rabbit fur from its shelves.
Another Wal-Mart Tax loophole may come to an end, this time in West Virginia.
The UFCW is gearing up for their Wal-Mart battle in Canada.
More info on Wal-Mart's new private label line "the Wal-Mart Great Value line"
And if that's not enough Wal-Mart news, they're also on the verge of setting up shop in Russia.
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