Thursday, we're bringing together workers from multiple points in the Walmart supply chain to tell how the world's biggest retailer keeps workers in a cycle of low wages, no voice on the job, and dangerous working conditions. Speakers will include a Walmart associate, a warehouse worker, and a Bangladeshi garment worker. Join us! RSVP and more info on Facebook!
From Walmart Watch:
Walmart wants to open stores in New York City. The company is spending a lot of money to change the debate from the real issue, which is how it treats its associates and creates poverty-level jobs throughout its supply chain. As the world’s largest retailer, how Walmart impacts workers across the globe is a good preview of what kind of jobs it is going to try to bring to NYC.
Three workers representing different links in the Wal...mart supply chain will be appearing in New York on Thursday, March 31th as part of Sweatshop, Warehouse, Walmart: A Worker Truth Tour.
Robert Hines worked until very recently in a Chicago-area warehouse that supplies Walmart.
Cynthia Murray works in a Walmart store in Laurel, Maryland.
Aleya Akter is a young woman from Bangladesh who has worked in garment factories since she was nine years old, sewing the clothes sold in U.S. Walmart stores.
Kalpona Akter is a former garment worker and director of the Bangladesh Worker Solidarity Center who was imprisoned after a Walmart subcontractor brought falsified complaints against her.
These three workers would like to share with the community what it is like to work for Walmart, whether directly on the company’s payroll like Cynthia or indirectly for a shipper or supplier like Robert and Aleya.
For more information, visit sweatfree.org/walmarttour2011 or call 212.631.0886
Tour sponsors include Making Change at Walmart (a campaign of the United Food and Commercial Workers), Jobs with Justice, International Labor Rights Forum, United Students Against Sweatshops, and SweatFree Communities.

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